Law of Life

Our Service is dedicated for the
preservation and action of the
Ascended Master
Matrix of Freedom.
We Promote a Universal Family of Elementals, Angels
and All Life for
Our Dedication and Purpose is in the Upliftment of our Planet and all her Evolutions through Divine Love.

Our Scope:
Individual Unfoldment

(a) Explanation and practical application of the Laws
governing Health, Opulence, Peace and
(b) Purification of the lifestream through the
understanding and use of the Sacred Fire
and controlled, creative consciousness.
(c) Daily contemplation and decrees to free the individual
from limitations and distress
(d) A Guidance Bureau, a free service to all our readers
who may desire advice on personal problems or
instruction on spiritual Law.
(e) The Healing Presence of God, a cooperative group
who offer you the strength of their combined prayers,
faith and visualizations to help you accept the Power
of God to heal, prosper, harmonize and bless.
Contact with the Great White Brotherhood

(a) Unpublished Teachings of The Masters of Wisdom and
(b) Visits in consciousness to the Retreats of The Masters
and information about Their current activities.
(c) Pictures of The Masters.
(d) Stepping Stones to Self Mastery
(e) Wings of Light
World Service

(a) Active application of the Teaching of The Great White
Brotherhood to the solution of the age old individual,
national and world problems such as ignorance,
sickness, poverty and war.
(b) Directed co-operative synchronized world prayers,
affirmations visualizations to eradicate the evils of the
day, particularly communistic and atheistic doctrines,
and current crises as they arise, and to accelerate
the Incoming New Age of World Peace and World
Enlightenment that we shall witness in this generation.
(c) Establishment of groups of spiritually minded men
and women in every country of the world to act as
outposts for the Radiation and Love of The Ascended
(d) A Reader's Forum to unite world thought, aspirations
and endeavors.
(e) Dissemination of the laws of Life in foreign languages
so that the good people of all nations may participate
in the above program.
In accordance with the individual freedom of
conscience which is the birthright of every man
woman and child. Loving Co-operation in Any of
The Above Activities Does Not Demand The
Relinquishment of Anyone's Present Affiliations.